> Here’s the real reason to turn on airplane mode when you fly为什么乘坐飞机时手机要调成飞行模式?真实原因是……



We all know the routine by heart: “Please ensure your seats are in the upright position, tray tables stowed, window shades are up, laptops are stored in the overhead bins and electronic devices are set to airplane mode.”这句常规提醒我们都烂熟于心:“请确保您的座椅靠背垂直,餐桌和遮光板收起,笔记本电脑放在头顶的行李架上,手机调成飞行模式。”

Window shades need to be up so we can see if there’s an emergency, such as a fire. 遮光板收起,我们才能看见起火等紧急状况。

Tray tables need to be stowed and seats upright so we can get out of the row quickly. 餐桌收起,座椅垂直,我们才能迅速离开座位。

Laptops can become projectiles in an emergency. 在发生紧急情况时笔记本电脑会变成乱飞的抛射物。

Aviation navigation and communication relies on radio services, which has been coordinated to minimize interference since the 1920s.由于飞机导航和通信都依赖无线电服务,自上世纪20年代以来一直都是通过协调尽量减少无线信号干扰。

The digital technology currently in use is much more advanced than some of the older analog technologies we used 60 years ago. 目前应用的数字技术比60年前所用的一些老的模拟技术要先进得多。

Research has shown personal electronic devices can emit a signal within the same frequency band as the aircraft’s communications and navigation systems, creating what is known as electromagnetic interference.研究显示,个人电子设备会发送与飞机通信和导航系统同一频率范围内的信号,从而造成所谓的电磁干扰。

Wireless networks are connected by a series of towers; the networks could become overloaded if passengers flying over these ground networks are all using their phones.无线网络通过一系列信号塔来互联,如果飞越地面网络的乘客全在使用手机,网络可能会超载。

Of course, when it comes to mobile networks, the biggest change in recent years is the move to a new standard. 当然,近年来移动网络的最大改变就是新标准的转换。

Current 5G wireless networks – desirable for their higher speed data transfer – have caused concern for many within the aviation industry.现行的5G无线网络(由于更高速的数据传输而受到欢迎)引发了许多航空业人士的担忧。

Radio frequency bandwidth is limited, yet we are still trying to add more new devices to it. 无线频段是有限的,而我们仍在试图添加更多新设备。

The aviation industry points out that the 5G wireless network bandwidth spectrum is remarkably close to the reserved aviation bandwidth spectrum, which may cause interference with navigation systems near airports that assist with landing the aircraft.航空业指出,5G无线网络频段非常接近航空专用频段,这可能会对机场附近辅助飞机着陆的导航系统造成干扰。

Besides, it would be an inconvenience for cabin crew to wait for passengers to finish their call to ask them if they would like any drinks or something to eat.除此以外,如果乘客在飞机上打电话,空服人员得等乘客打完电话才能询问他们是否需要饮料或食物,这也会带来不便。

> Concern rises that AI can generate crimes防范AI犯罪刻不容缓

A smartphone with a displayed ChatGPT logo is placed on a computer motherboard in this illustration taken on Feb 23, 2023. [Photo/Agencies]

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has penetrated education, multimedia, business consulting, biomedicine and other fields. 人工智能(AI)已成为眼下最火热的话题,AI技术已渗透进文化教育、多媒体创作、行业咨询、生物医学等领域。

However, critics argue that the rush to AI has been too fast, and have discussed how to prevent the technology from being used in crimes. 与此同时,批评人士认为人工智能的浪潮来得过快,如何防范AI技术被应用于犯罪场景引发争议。

Criminals have used AI technology to create and distribute fake pornographic videos that harm children and women, The Associated Press reported. 美联社报道称,已有不法份子通过AI技术伪造、传播淫秽视频,对儿童与女性造成伤害。

Others use misinformation, hate and biased speech to program AI to produce content that is misleading to the public.也有人利用错误信息、仇恨与偏见言论训练AI,产生严重误导公众的内容。

American artificial intelligence company OpenAI says it removed explicit content from its image-generation tool Dall-E, which limits users creating porn images. 美国人工智能企业OpenAI此前宣布,从图像生成工具Dall-E中移除相关内容,放至用户创建淫秽图像。

Google says it has added filters to its AI search tool Bard to screen for hate speech.谷歌宣布在其AI搜索工具Bard中添加过滤器,以筛查仇恨言论等信息。

Google CEO Sundar Pichai called for establishing laws and regulations to prevent the abuse of AI. 谷歌CEO桑达尔•皮查伊近日呼吁制定相关法律法规,以防止AI被滥用。

"How do you develop AI systems that are aligned to human values and morality?" Pichai asked. "This needs to include not just engineers, but social scientists, ethicists, philosophers and so on; these are all things society needs to figure out.”皮查伊说:“如何开发出与人类价值观、道德观一致的AI系统,这需要工程师、社会学家、理论学家和哲学家的参与;AI的发展方向是全社会面临的挑战”

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